How have our bio kids have adjusted? May 2020
People ask us often how our bio kids do having a foster care placement. I’ll share a few things I’ve heard them say to us or overheard them saying over the last few weeks.
“Sis, come sit by me at the table!”
“I love having sis here, dad”
“She doesn’t HAVE to leave, she can just stay forever & we can be her family!”
*explains the foster care process again*
“No, she not leaving me”
“I love sis”
Kids don’t over complicate things. They played with, hugged, smothered, accepted, & loved her since day 1.
Do they fight sometimes? Yes. Did they fight before? Yes.
May is foster care awareness month, so I will be speaking out & sharing things all month long.
Has foster care ever been on your heart?